Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hoppy Easter!

The boys had quite an eventful Easter. Before Easter they went to see the Easter bunny twice! They loved him. On Easter we went to Grandma & Grandpa G's house for some eggs benedict (just mom and dad had eggs!) and then we went to Grandma Bonnie's. The boys were spoiled with kinds of Easter gifts! Today the boys had watermelon for the very first time. Jacob loved it, but Isaac hated it! It was a very good first Easter for the boys.

Hoppy Easter!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Spring is in the air!

Happy Spring!

Things have been very busy in the McCurdy household since Christmas time. We are very excited for spring to be here. In early February the boys caught a very nasty virus called RSV. RSV is a virus that causes lung and airway infections in infants. The boys could not shake the virus and were hospitalized for 2 nights. It was a very long couple of weeks, but we got by with lots of help from wonderful family and friends.

Good things have happened too!

The boys have given mom and dad a few full nights of sleep- just a few, but a few is better than none, right? Both boys are now very active. They are rolling over like crazy and are getting up on all fours. Currently we are in the process of baby proofing the living room as they will be mobile in a matter of days.

Last time we wrote we had a nanny coming to the house everyday, Katie. She was great with the boys. Katie found a new career and we thought it was about time to get the boys into daycare. Well- once again we could not get into the daycare of our choice as we are still on a waiting list. But great things come in disguise!! We found another nanny, Bekah. We love Bekah. The boys are looking forward to a wonderful summer with Bekah. She has already started to take them on walks. Bekah has also taken on a couple overnights to allow for some quality Mommy and Daddy time and SLEEP! (Bekah took quite a few of the pictures shown below)

Most recently both boys were diagnosed with something called Torticollis. It basically means they both favor a side of their neck/head which has in turn caused flat spots on their heads. Torticollis is very common now that babys are supposed to sleep on their backs. The boys had a much higher risk since they are twins. To correct this issue the boys now have helmets! (see pictures below!)

This is all for now, but we promise to get better at blogging!

The McCurdy Family

See Photos Below