Saturday, October 27, 2012


Isaac & Jacob are now two!

Photo taken courtesy of RTDub Photography: RTDub Phtography

We just celebrated the boys second birthday. This is so hard to believe! Every day the boys learn something new. Their favorite things seem to be trains, farm animals and equipment, and cars! Recently they have taken up strong interest in books. They like to "read" on their own and love when mom and dad read to them before bedtime. Isaac & Jacob are growing up so fast!

Just last week we took the boys to pumpkin patch that had a petting zoo! They absolutely loved it. Grandma Bonnie came along with us. We all had so much fun! At the pumpkin patch there was a vendor selling freshly made kettle corn and we decided to buy a bag. The boys LOVED it. Their new favorite snack is popcorn.

Isaac and Jacob are still enrolled at Little Minds. Ben and I feel so lucky to have such a wonderful school for the boys. It really is a daycare center, but they boys learn so much that we call it school. The boys have a few really close friends at school whom they love, along with all of their teachers. Everyday on the way to school, we pull over when we pass the horses (yes there a field that we pass each morning that has horses!). I roll down the windows and the boys talk to the horses. It is so cute! "Hi Horses",  "Neigh Neigh", "Bye Horses", or "Later Horses".

At the end of the summer we had our first photo shoot with Uncle Tony! The pictures Tony captured are fantastic. He really did a great job as the boys were less than cooperative. Just a few weeks ago we had another photo shoot on some train tracks. The photo shoot was with Randy Witt of RTDub Photography. Randy is the husband to a great friend of mine! She also has twin boys who are just a few months older than our boys. She has become a very dear friend to me (as well as the moms of multiples I have met in the last year!) Look below for a few recent photos and check out RTDub's page for photos as well!

There has been so much more going on in the McCurdy household!

  • Visit from Auntie Katie and Uncle Keith- Uncle Keith helped Ben build a shed and Auntie Katie got to spend some special time with her nephews.
  • The boys found a new love for frozen yogurt! Yo-Jos's in River Falls is their fav!
  • Isaac & Jacob are looking forward to spending time with Cousin Mara who started college in River Falls this year. We have made one shopping trip so far and one dinner date with MANY more to come!
  • Bekah continues to watch the boys once a week so Mommy & Daddy get a "date night". The boys absolutely love Bekah and we do to!
  • Nannies Anna & Taylor continue to help out when the boys are sick and need to stay home or when Mommy & Daddy need a weekend away!
  • Isaac and Jacob have now learned all the names of the people they love! It is so great to hear them talk. They love trying to say new words.
It has been a year since we have updated our blog. We know we have promised this before, but we will do a better job of updating this site! Look for an update soon.

Love- The McCurdy Family

To see more photos from our photo shoot with RTDub go to

 Happy Halloween! 

Mario (Isaac) & Luigi (Jacob)

Paint Party at School!

Science fun with Poppa!

4th of July in Chicago with Uncle Keith and Auntie Katie

Mommy & Daddy Time!

McCurdy Family Fun!


Special Time with Auntie Katie

Hannah & Ben's Trip to Hawaii for the Dey Wedding!

First Parade for Isaac and Jacob



Family Photo




Thursday, November 3, 2011

The McCurdy boys are now 14 months!

 The McCurdy boys are now 14 months!

The boy sure have been busy these past few months. Their 1st birthday party was a hit! They loved their cake. Over the course of about a week surrounding their birthday they smashed their little hands into abot 4 cakes. Since we last updated the boys have not only mastered walking, they are now running. We are trying to teach them how to follow us. It is pretty funny. Sometimes they follow us and hold our hands, but other times they try to trick us and run the other way.

Our nanny Bekah went back to school this fall and we enrolled the boys in their first "school"- at least that's what we call it. They love their new friends especially their twin "girl" friends Abby and Ellie. The twin girls are the same age as the boys. We are working on planning a large group "twins" play date some time in Novermber. Bekah is stilling coming to hang out with the boys at least once a week so we can run errands and have a dinner date. We ALL love her so much and we wouldn't know what do without her!

In the past month, the boys have "walked" (well rode in the stroller) three 5k races with their Auntie Sarah, Auntie E, Granny, & Auntie Joy. We are trying to get out every weekend to excerise outdoors. This weekend we will be venturing out to the Children's Museum. A few weekends ago we visited a very special well kept secret apple orchard. The orchard was beautiful, yet small. We were the only ones at the orchard besides the couple who owned the orchard. This will be our new family tradition. Auntie Sarah and Granny took some really great photos of us!

For Halloween the boys were monkeys. They loved their costumes. When you put something on their heads like a hat (or pants- check out our youtube channel) they think it is hilarious! They giggle and run around being all silly. At school the boys had a Halloween party and a parada, even Bekah came to join the party! We only went trick or treating to one house, but we got the best treat ever- HOMEADE STRAWBERRY JAM! (Don't worry we know this neighbor very well!)

We are all looking forward to the holidays. The boys are at such a fun age. They love exploring and learning new things. Their only words are now are "icky" and "uh oh". Jacob has started to say "mama" and Isaac is starting to say "up". The holidays are going to be a riot with the boys. We will be sure to take some photos and videos to share with all of you.

Best Wishes,

The McCurdy Family

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Summer Time at the McCurdy House

Hello Everyone!

Well the boys just had their 9 month check up. Jacob is still smaller than Isaac by about 2 pounds exactly!

22lbs (70%)
29in (70%)

24lbs 1 oz (90%)
29 3/4in (94%)

The boys are keeping us very busy! They have mastered crawling and are very quick. Within the last two weeks they are pulling themselves up on everything in sight. Today Isaac is just about to start to climb. YUP! You guessed it! We are so busy around here chasing boys that we have created a barriacade in the living room using furniture to try to create a safety zone and play area for the boys.

Recently we took a trip to our family cabin located on Upper Red Lake. We were there for a week with Grandma & Grandpa G (Peggy & John) and Uncle Joel & Tim. We had a good time, but the weather was somewhat gloomy until the last day. On the first day at the cabin during nap time Isaac pulled himself up on the pack & play and then fell within the crib, but the crib was too close to the bunk bed and he hit his head- HARD. He had a big goose egg. After surviving our first bruise, and watching the boys like hawks all week, Jacob decided it was his turn! He was scooting around in the kitchen and pulled a fast one on mommy & grandma. He "tried" to pull himself up on the kitchen island and let's just say that did not work! Being the weird twin mom I took them to get pictures taken of their matching bruises. (Ben & Grandpa John ended up catching a few fish too!)

Next week Ben and I will be attending a wedding in California (Erica & Jeff) . This will be the longest we have been away from the boys, but a much needed time away! My lovely friend Sarah will be watching the boys for us. She is a rock star mom! She has twins (boy/girl) who are just a two months older than our boys. I think they should have a good time!

The boys are continuing to have a fabulous summer with their awesome terrific nanny, Bekah. We are so lucky to have her. Everyone loves her Grandma Peggy, Morris (dog), and Rockford (cat)!

Over the 4th of July weekend we will be visiting friends and family who are in town. The boy's aunt, Ben's little sister, Vicki, will also be stopping by for a long visit!

That's all for now.

Happy 4th of July!

The McCurdy's

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hoppy Easter!

The boys had quite an eventful Easter. Before Easter they went to see the Easter bunny twice! They loved him. On Easter we went to Grandma & Grandpa G's house for some eggs benedict (just mom and dad had eggs!) and then we went to Grandma Bonnie's. The boys were spoiled with kinds of Easter gifts! Today the boys had watermelon for the very first time. Jacob loved it, but Isaac hated it! It was a very good first Easter for the boys.

Hoppy Easter!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Spring is in the air!

Happy Spring!

Things have been very busy in the McCurdy household since Christmas time. We are very excited for spring to be here. In early February the boys caught a very nasty virus called RSV. RSV is a virus that causes lung and airway infections in infants. The boys could not shake the virus and were hospitalized for 2 nights. It was a very long couple of weeks, but we got by with lots of help from wonderful family and friends.

Good things have happened too!

The boys have given mom and dad a few full nights of sleep- just a few, but a few is better than none, right? Both boys are now very active. They are rolling over like crazy and are getting up on all fours. Currently we are in the process of baby proofing the living room as they will be mobile in a matter of days.

Last time we wrote we had a nanny coming to the house everyday, Katie. She was great with the boys. Katie found a new career and we thought it was about time to get the boys into daycare. Well- once again we could not get into the daycare of our choice as we are still on a waiting list. But great things come in disguise!! We found another nanny, Bekah. We love Bekah. The boys are looking forward to a wonderful summer with Bekah. She has already started to take them on walks. Bekah has also taken on a couple overnights to allow for some quality Mommy and Daddy time and SLEEP! (Bekah took quite a few of the pictures shown below)

Most recently both boys were diagnosed with something called Torticollis. It basically means they both favor a side of their neck/head which has in turn caused flat spots on their heads. Torticollis is very common now that babys are supposed to sleep on their backs. The boys had a much higher risk since they are twins. To correct this issue the boys now have helmets! (see pictures below!)

This is all for now, but we promise to get better at blogging!

The McCurdy Family

See Photos Below

Friday, December 17, 2010

Happy Holidays!


The McCurdy residence has been a bit crazy to say the least!

The boys just reached their 3 month milestone on December 7th. They are now smiling and trying to roll over. Both boys have rolled over once on Thanksgiving, but they have yet to do it again. We cannot wait for Christmas! We are all excited to see family and friends- some who will meet the boys for the very first time.

Merry Christmas to you and your families!

The McCurdy Family
Ben, Hannah, Isaac, Jacob, Morris (our St. Bernard dog), and Rockford (our cat)

PS. Check back to this website for updated pictures and