Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Summer Time at the McCurdy House

Hello Everyone!

Well the boys just had their 9 month check up. Jacob is still smaller than Isaac by about 2 pounds exactly!

22lbs (70%)
29in (70%)

24lbs 1 oz (90%)
29 3/4in (94%)

The boys are keeping us very busy! They have mastered crawling and are very quick. Within the last two weeks they are pulling themselves up on everything in sight. Today Isaac is just about to start to climb. YUP! You guessed it! We are so busy around here chasing boys that we have created a barriacade in the living room using furniture to try to create a safety zone and play area for the boys.

Recently we took a trip to our family cabin located on Upper Red Lake. We were there for a week with Grandma & Grandpa G (Peggy & John) and Uncle Joel & Tim. We had a good time, but the weather was somewhat gloomy until the last day. On the first day at the cabin during nap time Isaac pulled himself up on the pack & play and then fell within the crib, but the crib was too close to the bunk bed and he hit his head- HARD. He had a big goose egg. After surviving our first bruise, and watching the boys like hawks all week, Jacob decided it was his turn! He was scooting around in the kitchen and pulled a fast one on mommy & grandma. He "tried" to pull himself up on the kitchen island and let's just say that did not work! Being the weird twin mom I took them to get pictures taken of their matching bruises. (Ben & Grandpa John ended up catching a few fish too!)

Next week Ben and I will be attending a wedding in California (Erica & Jeff) . This will be the longest we have been away from the boys, but a much needed time away! My lovely friend Sarah will be watching the boys for us. She is a rock star mom! She has twins (boy/girl) who are just a two months older than our boys. I think they should have a good time!

The boys are continuing to have a fabulous summer with their awesome terrific nanny, Bekah. We are so lucky to have her. Everyone loves her Grandma Peggy, Morris (dog), and Rockford (cat)!

Over the 4th of July weekend we will be visiting friends and family who are in town. The boy's aunt, Ben's little sister, Vicki, will also be stopping by for a long visit!

That's all for now.

Happy 4th of July!

The McCurdy's