Saturday, October 27, 2012


Isaac & Jacob are now two!

Photo taken courtesy of RTDub Photography: RTDub Phtography

We just celebrated the boys second birthday. This is so hard to believe! Every day the boys learn something new. Their favorite things seem to be trains, farm animals and equipment, and cars! Recently they have taken up strong interest in books. They like to "read" on their own and love when mom and dad read to them before bedtime. Isaac & Jacob are growing up so fast!

Just last week we took the boys to pumpkin patch that had a petting zoo! They absolutely loved it. Grandma Bonnie came along with us. We all had so much fun! At the pumpkin patch there was a vendor selling freshly made kettle corn and we decided to buy a bag. The boys LOVED it. Their new favorite snack is popcorn.

Isaac and Jacob are still enrolled at Little Minds. Ben and I feel so lucky to have such a wonderful school for the boys. It really is a daycare center, but they boys learn so much that we call it school. The boys have a few really close friends at school whom they love, along with all of their teachers. Everyday on the way to school, we pull over when we pass the horses (yes there a field that we pass each morning that has horses!). I roll down the windows and the boys talk to the horses. It is so cute! "Hi Horses",  "Neigh Neigh", "Bye Horses", or "Later Horses".

At the end of the summer we had our first photo shoot with Uncle Tony! The pictures Tony captured are fantastic. He really did a great job as the boys were less than cooperative. Just a few weeks ago we had another photo shoot on some train tracks. The photo shoot was with Randy Witt of RTDub Photography. Randy is the husband to a great friend of mine! She also has twin boys who are just a few months older than our boys. She has become a very dear friend to me (as well as the moms of multiples I have met in the last year!) Look below for a few recent photos and check out RTDub's page for photos as well!

There has been so much more going on in the McCurdy household!

  • Visit from Auntie Katie and Uncle Keith- Uncle Keith helped Ben build a shed and Auntie Katie got to spend some special time with her nephews.
  • The boys found a new love for frozen yogurt! Yo-Jos's in River Falls is their fav!
  • Isaac & Jacob are looking forward to spending time with Cousin Mara who started college in River Falls this year. We have made one shopping trip so far and one dinner date with MANY more to come!
  • Bekah continues to watch the boys once a week so Mommy & Daddy get a "date night". The boys absolutely love Bekah and we do to!
  • Nannies Anna & Taylor continue to help out when the boys are sick and need to stay home or when Mommy & Daddy need a weekend away!
  • Isaac and Jacob have now learned all the names of the people they love! It is so great to hear them talk. They love trying to say new words.
It has been a year since we have updated our blog. We know we have promised this before, but we will do a better job of updating this site! Look for an update soon.

Love- The McCurdy Family

To see more photos from our photo shoot with RTDub go to

 Happy Halloween! 

Mario (Isaac) & Luigi (Jacob)

Paint Party at School!

Science fun with Poppa!

4th of July in Chicago with Uncle Keith and Auntie Katie

Mommy & Daddy Time!

McCurdy Family Fun!


Special Time with Auntie Katie

Hannah & Ben's Trip to Hawaii for the Dey Wedding!

First Parade for Isaac and Jacob



Family Photo

