Thursday, November 3, 2011

The McCurdy boys are now 14 months!

 The McCurdy boys are now 14 months!

The boy sure have been busy these past few months. Their 1st birthday party was a hit! They loved their cake. Over the course of about a week surrounding their birthday they smashed their little hands into abot 4 cakes. Since we last updated the boys have not only mastered walking, they are now running. We are trying to teach them how to follow us. It is pretty funny. Sometimes they follow us and hold our hands, but other times they try to trick us and run the other way.

Our nanny Bekah went back to school this fall and we enrolled the boys in their first "school"- at least that's what we call it. They love their new friends especially their twin "girl" friends Abby and Ellie. The twin girls are the same age as the boys. We are working on planning a large group "twins" play date some time in Novermber. Bekah is stilling coming to hang out with the boys at least once a week so we can run errands and have a dinner date. We ALL love her so much and we wouldn't know what do without her!

In the past month, the boys have "walked" (well rode in the stroller) three 5k races with their Auntie Sarah, Auntie E, Granny, & Auntie Joy. We are trying to get out every weekend to excerise outdoors. This weekend we will be venturing out to the Children's Museum. A few weekends ago we visited a very special well kept secret apple orchard. The orchard was beautiful, yet small. We were the only ones at the orchard besides the couple who owned the orchard. This will be our new family tradition. Auntie Sarah and Granny took some really great photos of us!

For Halloween the boys were monkeys. They loved their costumes. When you put something on their heads like a hat (or pants- check out our youtube channel) they think it is hilarious! They giggle and run around being all silly. At school the boys had a Halloween party and a parada, even Bekah came to join the party! We only went trick or treating to one house, but we got the best treat ever- HOMEADE STRAWBERRY JAM! (Don't worry we know this neighbor very well!)

We are all looking forward to the holidays. The boys are at such a fun age. They love exploring and learning new things. Their only words are now are "icky" and "uh oh". Jacob has started to say "mama" and Isaac is starting to say "up". The holidays are going to be a riot with the boys. We will be sure to take some photos and videos to share with all of you.

Best Wishes,

The McCurdy Family

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